Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. -John 4:35


Maybe some day this could be our bus ministry.


And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. -Matthew 4:19

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Who We Are

We are the Lord’s servants to Uganda

Joel was born in North Carolina and was born again at the age of four after a Sunday school lesson on David and Goliath. He was baptized at Mountain View Baptist Church, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Later, God called him to be a missionary, so he attended West Coast Baptist College. During a missions conference, God confirmed in Joel’s heart that He wanted him to go to Uganda, Africa. God had been working in Vivian’s heart. In 2013, she went to West Coast Baptist College to study as an elementary school teacher. A year later, during a missions conference, she decided to surrender her life to God to serve wherever in the world He may want her. Joel and Vivian met in 2015, but the Lord did not bring them together until the fall of 2017. When Vivian was 17, she gave her life to Christ on the last night of a youth conference but continued to have doubts. In September 2018, Vivian received assurance of her salvation and was baptized. Joel and Vivian were married in May 2019. Elizabeth is now three years old, born April 14th, 2020. Henry is two years old, born July 23rd, 2021.Their youngest Andrew was born in October 2023.





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